
A particle-number reprojection method is applied in the framework of the shell model Monte Carlo approach to calculate level densities for a family of nuclei using Monte Carlo sampling for a single nucleus. In particular we can also calculate level densities of odd-even and odd-odd nuclei despite a new sign problem introduced by the projection on an odd number of particles. The method is applied to level densities in the iron region using the complete $pf+g_{9/2}$-shell. The single-particle level density parameter $a$ and the backshift parameter $\Delta$ are extracted by fitting the microscopically calculated level densities to the backshifted Bethe formula. We find good agreement with experimental level densities with no adjustable parameters in the microscopic calculations. The parameter $a$ is found to vary smoothly with mass and does not show odd-even effects. The calculated backshift parameter $\Delta$ displays an odd-even staggering effect versus mass and is in better agreement with the experimental data than are the empirical values.

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