
Abstract. We assess the level of readiness among pedagogical workers of a preschool educational institution for activities to preserve their own health and the health of the younger generation. In the process of theoretical analysis and synthesis of literary sources we define the concepts of health culture and professional competence of teachers, the causes and groups of factors influencing the ability of preschool educational institutions teachers to carry out training in the field of health protection. The efficiency and productivity of work on preserving and strengthening the health of children in an educational institution implies that the teacher is ready for activities in the field of health saving and the organization of an appropriate educational environment. The empirical part of the study made it possible to establish that the successful implementation of a teacher’s professional activity in the field of health preservation is inextricably linked with his value attitudes and orientations, as well as the content side of the personality’s orientation towards a healthy lifestyle. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the results obtained in the educational and pedagogical process of preschool institutions in order to increase the effectiveness of the valeological process of education, training and development of preschool children, as well as the development and implementation of methods for improving the professional health-saving competence of teachers.

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