
In the course of researches on conditions of the upper respiratory tract generally termed "catarrh" or "colds" we were impressed by the frequent coincidence of transverse linear streaking of the nails or leukonychia. On studying the series of cases showing these coincident conditions we discovered that the infections of the upper respiratory tract were of much the same type. For the most part they were stubborn cases of rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and tonsillitis which were seldom free from nasal discharge, and in which the condition was seldom accompanied by febrile disturbances except during periods of acute exacerbation or complications. When the tonsils were present, they were generally hypertrophied, and the crypts were filled with grumous concretions. Many of these patients stated that they were seldom or never free from colds over periods of months or years. The majority of the cases occurred in the age groups between 5 and 40 years,

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