
Leukoaraiosis is a change in brain white matter with characteristic manifestation in MR and CT head scans. Common leukoaraiosis risk factors include aging and arterial hypertension. A quarter of symptomatic ischemic infarcts belongs to small blood vessel disease group and could be presented as lacunar infarcts. These two crucial pathophysiological mechanisms are in the root of cognitive dysfunction related to small blood vessel disease. 60 lacunar infarct patients were examined and parameters for groups with and with-out leukoaraiosis were determined. It was found that leukoaraiosis incidence was highest in the group of women older than 70. Neurological assessment was scored on NIH-NINDS scale, functional status was scored with Barthelo index, and cognitive status was determined using Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale Late (ADAS-L). Correlation analysis of these parameters on significance level of *p<0.05, **p<0.01, suggests decrease in neurological status and cognitive performance.


  • Leukoaraiosis is a change in brain white matter with characteristic manifestation

  • A quarter of symptomatic ischemic infarcts belongs to small blood vessel disease group

  • These two crucial pathophysiological mechanisms are in the root of cognitive dysfunction related to small blood vessel disease

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UTICAJ LEUKOARAJOZE NA KOGNITIVNI STATUS PACIJENATA SA LAKUNARNIM INFARKTOM MOZGA. Osnovni faktori rizika za pojavu leukoarajoze su starenje i arterijska hipertenzija. Četvrtina simptomatskih ishemijskih infarkta pripada grupi bolesti malih krvnih sudova koje mogu da se prikažu kao lakunarni infarkti. Ovo su dva suštinska patofiziološka mehanizma koja stoje u osnovi kognitivnog poremećaja vezanog za bolesti malih krvnih sudova mozga. Ispitano je 60 pacijenata sa lakunarnim infarktom mozga i utvrdjeni parametri u grupi sa i bez prisustva leukoarajoze. Do nastanka leukoarajoze dolazi tek posle oštećenja malih krvnih sudova mozga. Kada je u pitanju vaskularno kognitivno oštećenje, bolest malih krvnih sudova i lakunarni infarkti imaju najznačajniji uticaj na razvoj istog [4]. Osnovni faktori rizika su starenje i arterijska hipertenzija [5]. U opštoj populaciji lakunarni moždani udar i leukorajoza su udruženi sa visokim rizikom za ponavljani moždani udar i kognitivnu deterioraciju

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