
Abstract This chapter presents information on the status of oxeye daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare, in Canada, followed by a comprehensive background on previous studies and review of the use of biological control in these programmes. To date, no biological control agents have been released in Canada or the USA. Future work should include: (1) additional molecular and genetic studies to clarify the identity of invasive Leucanthemum populations in North America and the relationships between oxeye and Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum × superbum); (2) host-specificity testing with the candidate biological control agents Dichrorampha aeratana, Cyphocleonus trisulcatus, Tephritis neesii and Diplapion stolidum; (3) assessing the potential impact on L. vulgare of all candidate biological control agents; and (4) locating large field populations of Dichrorampha baixerasana and D. consortana.

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