
LETTERS TO AND FROM THE EDITOR Re: Carl Dragstedt, Perspect. Biol. Med. 20:571, 1977. Dear Sir: A WOMAN'S INFORMAL, HUMANISTIC, WARM AND EXCITING RETORT Dear Dr. Dragstedt a sharp thrusting shiv in the guise of grand humor I can not forgive. Freud has apprised me that all that you say springs forth from the id in a meaningful way. As I read your poem on women I find, it comes not from pectori but from your behind. Pray that it's simply an attitude penile and not a clear sign that your humours are senile! Joanne R. Kopplin, D.V.M. A. J. Carbon Animal Research Facility University of Chicago Dear Sir: Dragstedt needs express his hate Of women with a urinal; Still there was no need for him To pee upon your jourinal. Permission toreprint aletter printed in this section maybeobtained only from the author. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine · Spring 1978 | 471 His crude, disgusting doggerel Was tooled with guised invective. He castrates all the dignity And honor of "Perspectives." You and Dr. Dragstedt owe subscribers an apology for publishing his puerile poem that subverts the aim of the humor section. Perhaps if you had more women on your advisory and editorial boards, his poem would not have been published. Lisa Anderson, Yale University School ofMedicine N. Lynn Eckhert, M.D., University ofMassachusetts Medical School Lois Estok, M.D., University of Connecticut Health Center Judith Frank, M.D., Dartmouth Medical School Florence Haseltine, Ph.D., M.D., Yale University School of Medicine Leah M. Lowenstein, M.D., D.Phil., Boston University School of Medicine Frances Pitlick, Ph.D., Yale University School ofMedicine Myra Ramos, Harvard School of Public Health Eileen Shapiro, Harvard Medical School Hilda Weyl Sokol, Ph.D., Dartmouth Medical School Paula Taylor, Ph.D., University of Vermont School of Medicine Dear Sir: Poets who write in this space Make a big mistake When they try to insinuate We want the whole darn cake. The many subjects that we meet We've had the right to teach Now we want to have the chance To practice what we preach. Giving up the nursing chore Doesn't mean being father— Husbands can change babies too Let them share the bother. Women want to have good jobs— To lead and navigate They don't like being told "no go" Because they menstruate. Twenty-seven days each month Women thrive and grow 472 I Letters to andfrom the Editor Men—no cycles of their own— Good days they seldom know. Men have the exclusive right To stand up while they pee But nature never said that meant They should superior be. Florence Haseltine, Ph.D., M.D. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Yale University School ofMedicine New Haven, Connectcut 06520 Dear Readers: Perspectives is dedicated to the exposition of differences. Richard L. Landau CONNECTION Humming wings hovering bird with gustatory beat Joining with the rocky mass of dead celestial seat Through universal ninety-two and unrelenting heat William W. Penoyer Perspectives in Biology and Medicine ¦ Spring 1978 | 473 ...

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