
For the first time, the letters of the chief commissioner for food affairs of Galicia and Bukovina, Roman Trofymenko, to the government of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic (WUPR), which inform about the amount of food delivered by the relevant structures of the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic for the needs of the population of Eastern Galicia and the Galician army at the beginning of February 1919, have been introduced into scientific circulation. It is noted that the letters also refer to a dispute with the leadership of WUPR regarding the area of competence of the chief commissioner. It was established that the commissioner raised the question of the need to record all food products in Eastern Galicia and the need to prepare a government order regarding the establishment of fixed prices for certain products by the state; a draft of such an order was prepared by a representative of the UPR (Ukrainian People's Republic) government. It has been demonstrated that the letter mentions that the chief commissioner sent his representatives to some counties together with two government officials of the military intendencia to purchase grain products. It was emphasized that R. Trofymenko asked the WUPR government to take appropriate measures to prohibit requisitioning by military quartermasters of food intended for the civilian population. It was established that the Office of the Chief Commissioner participated in the formation of local food administrations in cooperation with the Food Government of the WUPR. It is noted that the management structures of the chief commissioner together with the specified bodies provided food to the local civilian population. Keywords: UPR, WUPR, Roman Trofymenko, Galicia.

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