
This last issue of IJRD with myself as the “Editor in Chief” leaves me with a sense of accomplishment and gratification. My association as Editor in Chief for 6 years as well as six more years of earlier involvement as Associate Editor and subsequently as senior editor have given me enormous experience, knowledge and wisdom from the wide spectrum of authors, reviewers, editorial team including the Associate Editors and above all, the readers. The journal's impact factor climbed from mere 0.7 to 2.6 (currently 2.4) and it is the result of excellent contribution by each of our team members including Wiley Blackwell, the publisher. It is even more heartening to note that my successor Prof. Kevin Pile is an academic achiever with vast knowledge in the field of Rheumatology. He is an untiring, organized and prompt scholar who, I am sure, will take IJRD to a new height. I wish that the global rheumatology community and APLAR will assist the new team in enriching the journal further in science and art of the specialty, in the coming years. I appreciate the kind words from Prof. Danda, and welcome the opportunity to introduce myself as the incoming Editor in Chief. Over many years I have held roles within APLAR, but my tentative steps into this new role have quickly raised my appreciation of the work and scholarship undertaken by Prof. Danda. During his tenure we have seen IJRD become a monthly publication, with each issue having grown in size. This is a clear reflection of IJRD prominence achieved by Prof. Danda as he simultaneously raised the impact factor and submissions to over eighty each month. I look forward to working with readers, authors, reviewers, and the IJRD Editorial Board as we jointly focus on the scholarship and impact of IJRD, and further work on the efficiency and efficacy of our review and publication processes. To that end I welcome commentary, suggestions, and reviewer nominations to [email protected].

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