
I write to correct a factual error in the short preamble to my review of Edifice & Artifice: Histoires constructives (JSAH 71, no. 1 [March 2012]), where I had written that the “Construction History Society . . . has now sponsored three international congresses since 2003, with a fourth scheduled for 2012 in Paris” (114). In effect, each of the four congresses has been organized principally by an organization or by an association of organizations in the respective countries, with the Sociedad Española de Historia de la Construcción taking the lead for Madrid (2003), the Construction History Society for Cambridge (UK, 2006), the Brandenburg University of Technology for Cottbus (2009), and the Ecoles Nationales Supérieures d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais, Paris La Villette, and Versailles along with the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers for Paris (2012).Each successive congress has announced itself as the next in an ongoing series that includes the previous international events, and overlap between institutions has been a fundamental element in this series. For example, Jacques Heyman of the University of Cambridge served as the president of the International Scientific Committee of the Madrid congress and then chaired the Scientific Committee of the Cambridge congress. The keynote addresses of the Cottbus congress were published in vols. 24 (2009) and 25 (2010) of Construction History, Journal of the Construction History Society. And the Construction History Society of America, which will host the Fifth International Congress on Construction History in Chicago (2015), announces itself as “the US branch of the Construction History Society.”

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