
Abstract Extract Sir, Little has been recorded of the parasites of waterfowl, wild or domesticated in New Zealand (Rind 1974 Rind, S. R. 1974. Mauri Ora, 2: 139–146. [Google Scholar]). The nematodes of New Zealand waterfowl appear quite unknown. Recently Mrs Rind gave me part of the anterior alimentary canal of a grey duck (Anas superciliosa) that had been shot a few days earlier (November 8, 1976) at Omihi, North Canterbury. She drew my attention to a nodule in the proventriculus wall about 2 cm anterior to the gizzard. When opened, this fibrous granuloma was found to contain six male and 12 female nematodes each about 1–1.5 cm long. Another grey duck from Irwell, Canterbury shot on June 1, 1974 contained 25 female and 12 male Echinuria. Using the keys in Ali (1968 Ali, M. M. 1968. J. Helminth., 42: 221–242. [Crossref] , [Google Scholar]) and McDonald (1974) the nematodes were identified as Echinuria uncinata (Rudolphi 1819) (synonyms: teste Yamaguti (1961 Yamaguti, S. 1961. Systema Helminlhum, Vol. III, Interscience Publishers. [Google Scholar]) include E. jugadornata (Soloviev, 1912) and teste McDonald (1969 McDonald, M. E. 1969. Catalogue of Helminths of Waterfowl (Anatidae). u.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. Wildl, 126: 692–692. [Google Scholar]) E. cygni (Morini, Columba and Martin, 1960 Morini, E. G., Columbo, E. G. and Martin, A. A. 1960. Actas y Trab. 1. Cong. Sudam. Zool (La Plata. 1959), 2: 223–228. Secc. 3 Invertebrados [Google Scholar]). The identification was confirmed by reference to descriptions and figures in a variety of publications.

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