
In this article we describe a model of the universe consisting of a mixture of the ordinary matter and a so-called cosmic quaternionic field. The basic idea here consists in an attempt to interpret Λ as the energy density of the quaternionic field whose source is any form of energy including the proper energy density of this field. We set the energy density of this field to Λ and show that the ratio of ordinary dark matter energy density assigned to Λ is constant during the cosmic evolution. We investigate the interaction of the quaternionic field with the ordinary dark matter and show that this field exerts a force on the moving dark matter which might possible create the dark matter in the early universe. Such determined Λ fulfils the requirements asked from the dark energy. In this model of the universe, the cosmological constant, the fine-tuning and the age problems might be solved. Finally, we sketch the evolution of the universe with the cosmic quaternionic field and show that the energy density of the cosmic quaternionic field might be a possible candidate for the dark energy.

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