
To the Editor: We read with great interest the article by Ferriera et al1 reporting a significant elevation of circulating endothelial microparticles (EMPs) strictly correlated with postmeal increase in serum triglycerides in healthy normolipidemic subjects after a single high-fat meal. The results of the study add to the long list of previous research demonstrating impairment of endothelial functions after a single high-fat meal in otherwise healthy subjects. Some aspects of this work deserve further comment. The authors’ statement about the calculated source of energy from fat (19%) in the high-fat meal is obviously wrong. Fifty grams of fat gives much more than 19% of energy if related to the total amount of the 900 energy units of the meal; a high-fat meal must contain at least 50% of energy from fat. The authors do not address in full the issue of whether the release of EMP represents a cause …

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