
To the Editor.— Our multiphasic mobile cancer detection program ( Cancer 30:777, 1972; Geriatrics 28:152, 1973) makes active use of lay volunteers. These individuals range from men and women unaffiliated with any organization to persons from a variety of community organizations, such as Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, American Cancer Society volunteers, hospital administrations and auxiliary groups, and others. On each of our visits to ten different communities (more than 3,500 patients examined), we had a lay individual in each community step forward and be able to assume a leadership role and manage logistics with only limited supervision. It is these leader-type individuals who recruit our additional lay volunteers, find the ideal location for placement of the unit in the community for accessibility to the populace, remain in constant communication with us, act as liaison with the community, and who fulfill all of our needs. As our mobile cancer detection unit

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