
Letter from the Editor Kevin M. Lerner Along with the beginning of volume 19, this issue of the Journal of Magazine Media, in many ways, also marks another beginning: the first issue of the journal published by the University of Nebraska Press. Getting to this point has been a very long process, and I want to thank all the people and organizations who made it possible. First, and most importantly, I want to thank the membership of the Magazine Media Division of the Association for Journalism and Mass Communication for supporting the transition from being a self-published, online-only, open-access journal to the journal you hold in your hands (or are reading online, having downloaded it from a database). Ted Spiker, Sharon Bloyd-Peshkin, Miglena Sternadori, and Susan Currie Sivek have all served at least partial terms as division head in the time that it took to research publishers, come to an agreement, and get all the paperwork signed; so thank you to all of them for their patience. Carol Schwalbe has been invaluable with technical help as well. Thank you to the Publications Committee and Executive Board of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for facilitating this transition as well. And of course, the staff of this journal: Associate editor Joy Jenkins has been masterful in securing blind reviewers for our peer-reviewed research. Reviews editor Miglena Sternadori has been a terrific editor of our book reviews section. And two editorial assistants also deserve mention. Caroline Chan served in the role for more than two years and knows how this journal works even better than I do, and Analisa Caso is just starting out as Caroline's replacement. This issue of the Journal of Magazine Media is worth the long wait, however. Echoing the traditional three-part structure of a magazine, it opens with an intriguing front-of-the-book essay about the ways that we use magazines, by Susan Currie Sivek, in which she applies the Foucauldian concept of technologies of the self to magazine media. There are three pieces of peer-reviewed research here too: a multimodal investigation into the contradictions of magazine covers; a history of Mother Jones magazine and its role in establishing the norms of environmental reporting; and an [End Page vii] analysis of the covers of Yoga Journal, as it evolved from a focus on spirituality into something more of a health and lifestyle magazine. And there are six reviews as well in the back of the book. With this volume and our association with the University of Nebraska Press, the Journal of Magazine Media will resume twice-yearly publication, and we have adopted new editorial policies and submission practices. You can find more information about those on our website and on that of the University of Nebraska Press. We sincerely hope that you find this journal both vital to research into the magazine form—in whatever medium that may be—and also enjoyable. [End Page viii] Kevin M. Lerner Marist College kevin.lerner@marist.edu Copyright © 2019 Magazine Media Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

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