
(FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT.) The Physical Advantages of Abstinence—The New Fashion of Naming Bazaars—What a Spell of Severe Weather Cost the Metropolis— Low Death-Rate in the British Army—The Gull Studentship in Pathology—Ether Drinking in Ireland The Barber-Surgeons of London—Female Nursing Service in India—Dr. Koch has a Rival at Edinburgh. At a meeting recently held for the consideration of the physical advantages of abstinence, the chair was occupied by Dr. B. W. Richardson, who in opening the proceedings detailed some of the researches which he had made at the instance of the British Association in 1863, when he was requested to continue his inquiries into the action of various chemical substances on animal bodies. His observations led him to the conclusion that the effect, even in strict moderation, of alcohol was invariably to reduce the temperature of the body, whilst it neither tended to promote its muscular development nor strengthen its

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