
Field-based bioassays and residue profile analysis were used to determine the relative importance of lethal and sublethal effects of imidacloprid on adult Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, in blueberries, Vaccinium corymbosum L. Field-based bioassays assessed adult mortality and knockdown, and fruit and leaf injury from Japanese beetles exposed to 4-h and 7-d field-aged residues of imidacloprid, and the conventional insecticides azinphosmethyl and esfenvalerate. Azinphosmethyl and imidacloprid caused high levels of mortality when beetles were exposed to blueberry shoots with ripe fruit 4 h postapplication, and all compounds protected blueberry fruit and foliage from beetle feeding. Azinphosmethyl and esfenvalerate caused significant Japanese beetle mortality when adults were exposed to blueberry shoots 7 d postapplication, whereas imidacloprid residues caused effects that protected leaves, although not of ripe fruit. When beetles were exposed to shoots with immature green fruit, relatively more leaf feeding and mortality were observed, suggesting that earlier treatment timings may be most effective for systemic neonicotinoids. Japanese beetle mortality was highly correlated with imidacloprid fruit and leaf surface residues, whereas sublethal feeding deterrent effects were observed after the surface residues diminished. The value of the plant-insect-chemistry model for describing the spatial and temporal dimensions of insecticide modes of activity is discussed in terms of optimizing crop protection.

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