
New technology like the Arduino microcontroller platform presents an opportunity to transform Beyond the First Year (BFY) physics labs to better prepare physics students for work in research labs and beyond. The flexibility, low cost, and power of these devices provide an attractive way for students to learn to use and master research-grade instrumentation. Therefore, we introduced new technology, including Arduino Due microcontroller boards, to a second-year honors physics lab in order to provide improved learning experiences for students. This transformation was implemented in three lab modules and focused on diminishing the black box nature of the traditional labs while encouraging students to engage in troubleshooting. The importance of troubleshooting was made evident to students by the instructor emphasizing it as an inevitable and central part of experimentation. This lab transformation also required that students perform work that was “above and beyond” the scope of the assigned experimental work for part of the course credit. While the technological aspects of the transformation were received well by a majority of students, our observations during the initial implementation suggested a need for some modifications to instructional practices in order to improve the learning and experiences for all students. In particular, we find that many students can benefit from additional scaffolding in order to complete above and beyond work. Similarly, we find that students in general, and under-represented students such as women, in particular, may need thoughtful intervention from the instructor, e.g., in order to avoid becoming isolated when the lab work is designed for pair work. Otherwise, some students may be left to work alone with a disproportionate work-load if students choose their own partners. With these lessons taken into account, recent student experiences in the transformed lab were notably improved.

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