
First responders, including police officers and firefighters, take on the occupational role of responding to community needs during emergencies. While it is acknowledged that their emergency role may change and adapt during large-scale crisis events, this is assumed to be a temporary change that will eventually result in a return to traditional occupational responsibilities. This may be different for public health emergencies, like the overdose crisis, that require a long-term and dynamic response. Moreover, recent policy shifts toward harm reduction policies over prosecution-focused policies may inadvertently change the traditional roles of first responders. Using 30 qualitative interviews with police officers and firefighters in Florida, this study examines how harm reduction policies can influence the occupational roles and responsibilities of first responders and reveals how agencies can mitigate the potential burdens associated with implementing these policy responses. This study found that first responder roles were generally expanding to meet growing community needs which included responding to overdoses. The overdose crisis placed additional burdens on first responders (especially police officers) but shared responsibilities between first response agencies and organizational service expansion could mitigate this burden.

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