
 Introduction: Chondrosarcoma is a rare cancer about 2 million inhabitants/year. Scapula is the most common location. Total scapulectomy can cause loss of many functions in shoulder movement that affects impaired upper extremity function.
 Case Report: A case presentation of 41 years old man, after total right scapulectomy caused by chondrosarcoma. The patient complained of difficulty raising right upper arm, he has limited range of motion in all right shoulder movement. Functional assessment showed disability in overhead activities and affected his vocational as an online driver. Comprehensive rehabilitation program was given. With the overall program in 2 months follow up patient can return to work and do overhead activities with modification.
 Conclusion: Rehabilitation can improve the function in patient after scapulectomy, rehabilitation program depends on the type of surgery and muscle remaining.
 Keywords: scapulectomy, chondrosarcoma, rehabilitation

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