
No complete account of Pompey's settlement of Asia Minor has been preserved. The text of Cassius Dio is missing, and Xiphilinus supplies no more than a general phrase. Appian, after mentioning the foundation of Nicopolis in Lesser Armenia, describes the recognition of Ariobarzanes as king of Cappadocia with the accession of Sophene and Gordyene, of Castabala and certain other cities in Cilicia. These events he assigns to a time before Pompey's Syrian expedition. In a later passage, in which Pompey's achievements and arrangements are summed up, he speaks of the assignment of Armenia (Major) to Tigranes, Bosporus to Pharnaces, Cappadocia and the other places described before to Ariobarzanes. Seleuceia and other territory in Mesopotamia are given to Antiochus of Commagene. He continues: ἐποίει δὲ ϰαὶ τετράρχας, Γαλλογραιϰῶν μέν, οἳ νῦν εἰσὶ Γαλάται Καππαδόϰαις ὅμοροι, Δηιόταρον ϰαὶ ἑτέρους, Παϕλαγονίας δὲ Ἄτταλον ϰαὶ Κόλχων Ἀρίσταρχον δυνάστην. Then after referring to the appointment of Archelaus as priest-king in Comana and of the recognition as amicus populi Romani of Castor of Phanagoreia he adds: πολλὴν δὲ ϰαὶ ἑτέροις χώραν τε ϰαὶ χρήματα ἔδωϰεν.

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