
It has been hypothesized that a salient feature of the aging process is a decline in the ability to inhibit intrusive irrelevant information. Examination of distractor interference and negative priming effects in a group of older adults confirmed this hypothesis: Distracting information in­ terfered with performance more in older subjects, and this population produced less evidence for inhibitory mechanisms when compared with younger adults. It is suggested that inhibition may be a general mechanism that is particularly vulnerable in a variety of clinical populations, and it may provide a marker for early detection of syndromes characterized by breakdown in cogni­ tive processes. Selectivity in perception and action is crucial for suc­ cessful goal-directed hehavior. Complex environments containing numerous objects that afford an enormous range of actions are ubiquitous. Therefore, the inhibiting of inappropriate thoughts and actions is an extremely im­ portant mechanism. Recent research has revealed individual differences in the ability to inhibit the processing of to-he-ignored ob­

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