
The structural and functional consequences of a local thermolesion were examined in rat neocortex with electrophysiological in vitro techniques and immunocytochemistry. Age-matched untreated and sham-operated animals served as controls and were analysed in the same way. The lesions consisted of a core of coagulated tissue 2–3 mm in diameter and reached ventrally into the deep cortical layers. After two days reactive astrocytes and after nine days a dense gliosis were observed in the immediate vicinity. Modifications in the intrinsic membrane characteristics and the synaptic network properties were investigated with intra- and extracellular recorcling techniques after survival times of one to eight days. Neurons recorded in the surrounding of lesions in neocortical slices revealed a significantly more depolarized resting membrane potential and a higher neuronal input resistance. In comparison to cells in control slices, maximal discharge rates to injection of depolarizing current pulses of neurons close to a focal lesion were not significantly altered and intrinsic burst firing was never observed. However, between postlesion days 1 and 5, neurons in the surroundings of lesions showed a transient increase in synaptic excitability. This hyperactivity was most clearly pronounced at a distance of 2–3 mm from the centre of the lesion (i.e. about 1–1.5 mm away from the lesion border) and characterized by long-duration field potential responses and multiphasic long-lasting excitatory postsynaptic potentials to orthodromic stimulation of the afferent input. This lesion-induced hyperexcitability was associated with a significant reduction in the peak conductance of the Cl − -dependent fast inhibitory postsynaptic potential and the K +-dependent long-latency inhibitory postsynaptic potential, suggesting that the intracortical GABAergic system was functionally impaired. The decrease in synaptic inhibition was associated with prolonged N-methyl- d-aspartate receptor-mediated activity, which could be reversibly blocked by d-amino-phosphonovaleric acid. In addition, neurons recorded in the vicinity of the lesion responded to an orthodromic synaptic stimulus with a long-lasting burst. The lesion-induced disturbance in the balance between the excitatory and inhibitory system may not only have profound influences on the mechanisms of intracortical information processing, but may also lead to the expression of epileptiform activity and long-term functional deficits.

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