
Lescuraea morrisonensis fo. sichuanensis is described from Sichuan, China. During a bryological expedition to Sichuan, China, P. L. Redfearn, Bruce Allen, Pu Fating, and P.-C. Wu collected a specimen of Lescuraea morrisonensis (Tak.) Nog. (Redfearn 34969) that had distinctly pinnately-branched paraphyllia (Fig. 1) in contrast to the furcately branched paraphyllia present in the isotype of its basionym, Pseudopleuropus morrisonensis (Noguchi 6357), and illustrated by Takaki (1955). We therefore treat this collection with pinnately-branched paraphyllia as a new form of L. morrisonensis. LESCURAEA MORRISONENSIS fo. SICHUANENSIS Wang, Hu & Redfearn fo. nov. (FIG. 1) Paraphyllia numerosa, ramiformis filamentus vel foliaceus. Plants similar to the typical species except paraphyllia are linear and pinnately branched. TYPE: CHINA. SICHUAN PROVINCE. LI CO.: At base of fir, in fir forest with dense understory of Rhododendron, adjacent to an old logging slide, 4,270-4,300 m, Redfearn 34969 (holotype, HSNU; isotypes, FH, MO, NY, SMS). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the National Geographic Society for the financial support that allowed Redfearn and Allen to travel to China, and the Academia Sinica (Institute of Botany, Beijing, and Institute of Biology, Chengdu) for financial support for the collecting expedition to Sichuan. Thanks are also due to Dr. P.-C. Wu (Beijing) and Dr. Pu Fating for the careful arrangements they made for our work in China and for participation in the fieldwork. FIGURE 1. Lescuraea morrisonensis fo. sichuanensis Wang, Hu & Redfearn fo. nov., paraphyllia, x 480. Scale bar = 0.08 mm. From Redfearn 34969. LITERATURE CITED TAKAKI, N. 1955. Researches on the Brachytheciaceae of Japan and its adjacent areas (1). Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 14: 1-38. 0007-2745/93/640$0.25/0 This content downloaded from on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 04:41:15 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms

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