
Theories considering the local phenomena on/in the earth's crust — formation of a mountain chain, eruption of a volcano, accumulation of sediments, a.s.o. —, and theories considering the earth's crust as a whole on the way of studying the successions of states of this crust. 1. Cyclic successions ( cycles ) and non-closed successions. 2. Exemples of cyclis successions (figures 1-A, 2-A, 3-A, 4-A), their graphic represesentations (figures 1-B, 2-B, 3-B, -t-B).3. Manifest existence of the cycles during the geologic history of the earth and absolute necessity of getting these cycles as a corollary of every theory of earth's crust. Practical impossibility of obtaining these consequences from the existing theories, and the causes of this impossibility.4. Three kinds of the mechanic theories in general and of the mechanic theories of earth's crust particulary: A. The exact continuous theories;B. The continuous theories which consider in first approximation the earth's crust a whole, and C. The theories considering the earth's crust as a whole in the full sense of these words. Examples. Astonishing fact that the theories of earth's crust of the kind C are non-existent till today. Hence the purpose of this article: the establishment of the general principles ofthese theories (— of the kind C). 5. Choice and definition of the quantities caracterising the states of the earth's crust. Definitive table of these quantities).6. Hypotheses necessary to build the system of differential equations of our problem. Simplifications which can be introduced. Pinal system of fundamental equations [2], Some remarks to resolving of [2], 7. Solutions [3] and [4] of the fundamental equations. Remarkable coincidence of these forms with the existing geological cycles.8. Different kinds of solutions [3] and [4]: I. Exactly periodic; II. Nearly periodic, and III. Aperiodic. Their geological meaning. On the choice of the constants in the fundamental equations [2].9. Some mechanical-geological analogies. Remarks about the number of the necessary constant. Conclusion.


  • Manifest existence of t h e cycles duringthe geologic history of theearth and absolute necessity of getting these cycles as a corollary of everytheory of earth ' s crust

  • Ici nous nous sommes arretes sur cette question pour montrer comment les coefficients dans [2] devraient etre calcules et plus encore pour montrer qu'en depit de toutes les hypotheses faites (mathematiques: linearite, etc., et experimentales) l'exactitude (et la capacite d'englober les faits) de la theorie proposee depasse nos connaissances actuelles, et qu'il n'y a aucun sens d'introduire une theorie encore plus generate

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La premiere etape pour construire une theorie est toujours le choix bien fonde des grandeurs fondamentales, les grandem's qui decrivent qualitativement les phenomenes typiques principaux de ce qu'on etudie, l'ecorce terrestre en entier dans notre cas.


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