
The studies of Ungulate associations present in Würm III deposits of Southwest France lead to state biological paleoenvironments and paleoclimates more precisely. The second climatic phasis brought to light by H. Laville in Perigord seems cold and dry and the third one (Arcy) would be the most temperate and humid phasis during the Würm III period. Two posterior climatic ameliorations (fifth phasis = «Kesselt and seventh phasis = Tursac) are separated by a colder period. From the eighth phasis, a climatic threshold is crossed; paleontological as well as geological and palynological studies show the establishment of global cold conditions which would continue after Würm III–IV «interstadial (Laugerie). This one looks like a minor humid oscillation. Although data come from geographically close sites, clear differences appear between contemporary faunal associations. In Perigord, Ungulate associations strongly vary during the first seven phasis whereas in Northwest Quercy, in Auniac plain, Reindeer dominates all along this period. Lastly, comparisons between the results of paleontological,geological and palynological studies enable us to approach the question of the game choice made by prehistoric men. The perigordian men who inhabit La Ferrassie rockshelter during the sixth climatic phasis preferentially hunt Reddeer. They deliberately give up hunting other Ungulates yet well represented in contemporary levels of not distant sites.

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