
Three of the Triassic depositional sequences outcropping in Corsica, in the Balagne Autochton (Ladinian-? Carnian sequence at 228 Ma) and in the Prepiemontaise Zone (Lower Rhaetian (R1), at 225 Ma, and Upper Rhaetian-Hettangian (R2), at 211 Ma, sequences) contain, particularly in their transgressive limestones, two benthonic Foraminifera associations which are well known on the future European margin of the Tethys. The earliest assemblage, assigned to Ladinian-? Carnian, principally consists of Involutinacea such as Triadodiscus eomesozoicus and Aulotortus praegaschei; the latest (Rhaetian) includes various taxa such as Aulotortus friedli, Gandinella falsofriedli, Agathammina? inconstans and A. austroalpina. The analysis of the Foraminifera, their comparison with micropaleontological associations from other localities of a North Tethyan type and the detailed study of the palaeogeographical distribution and of the palaeoecology of Agathammina? inconstans and Gandinella falsofriedli which characterize the two microfaunal associations, have been carried out.

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