
In mammalian ovaries, the vast majority of follicles contain only one oocyte. However, follicles containing several oocytes, or polyovular follicles, are also found in most species. Their frequency ranges from < 0.1% to 14% of the total number of follicles, and they can contain from 2 to 17 oocytes (or even 100 in certain marsupials). Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain their occurrence : division of an oocyte initially containing several nuclei, fusion of several different follicles, or nonseparation of several oocytes at the time of the formation of the primordial follicles. This latter hypothesis seems the most likely. The fate of these follicles has not been studied extensively, and for a long time they were considered as pathological. Studies conducted in pigs and dogs have shown that these polyovular follicles can grow, reach the preovulatory stage, and ovulate. However, all the oocytes in a single follicle are not equal. The examination of oocytes retrieved from a single follicle suggests that only one oocyte shows good morphological characteristics, whereas the others are at various stages of more or less advanced degeneration. The regulation of the number of polyovular follicles is still poorly understood and the data on the effects of age, gonadotropins, and steroids is contradictory. Their frequency can be increased by using treatments with estrogenic effects, or endocrine disruptors. In mice, the control is also genetic. The mechanisms leading to the formation of polyovular follicles remain to be explored, and the study of the functioning of these particular follicles would improve our understanding of the oocyte-follicle dialogue

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