
This article is the written version of a conference lecture that proposed a survey of the studies on “language and interaction.” The first part proposes a brief commentary on the developement of the current Chomsky’s position, which now understands language as a communicative phenomenon, as well as the development of the interpretations of Saussure’s work which highlight the importance the scholar gave to the interactions between the levels of discourse and languages. The second part presents a critical summary of three approaches explicitly centered around verbal interactions: initially, the sciences of texts/discourse, which have their foundations on the work by Voloshinov, author who is central to the current conception of dialogism; the different approaches of interactional linguistics, inspired on Ethnomethodology and centered on the situated oral productions; approaches that analyze the effects of the e-learning devices, which constitute a type of natural laboratory for the study of the interactive phenomena. The main analysis refers to the contributions of the interactional linguistics and distinguishes the studies related to the structure itself of verbal interactions, the studies centered on the verbal productions in work situations and those centered on the verbal productions in the devices for the analysis of practices. The conclusion highlights the importance of the interactional epistemology, as it proposes to distinguish five levels: (a) the interactions between the and the gnosiological dimensions of language; (b) the interactions between general praxeology and language praxeology; (c) the constitutive interactions of the signs; (d) the concrete dialogical interactions; (e) the interactions between the structure of the verbal interactions and the different properties of the context.Key words: Dialogism, Discourse, e-learning, Interaction, Language, Praxeology, Sign.


  • the written version of a conference lecture that proposed a survey of the studies

  • The first part proposes a brief commentary on the developement of the current Chomsky's position

  • well as the development of the interpretations of Saussure's work which highlight the importance the scholar gave to the interactions between the levels

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Je remercie les organisatrices et organisateurs de cette conférence internationale de m’avoir fait l’honneur de me confier cette intervention, à laquelle je vais m’efforcer de donner un caractère d’introduction, en proposant, comme l’indique le titre, quelques éléments de réflexion et de questionnement sur le thème “langage et interaction”. Dans le champ sociologique, par l’émergence et le développement de diverses sociologies de l’action, dans le champ psychologique par le retour en force de l’interactionnisme social hérité de Vygotski et de Mead, dans le champ linguistique par une multitude de courants, dont celui, illustré notamment par les travaux de Schegloff, de Heritage (qui interviendra dans ce colloque) et de bien d’autres, sous l’appellation générale de linguistique interactionnelle. Certes Chomsky n’a pas encore adhéré à la linguistique interactionnelle, mais l’évolution de sa position montre que la centration sur un prétendu substrat biologique du langage est vaine, et qu’il convient désormais de saisir le langage en tant que phénomène concret de communication (ce qui implique nécessairement la prise en considération des interactions). Pour comprendre une position théorique, il est souvent utile d’examiner sérieusement les positions

La position saussurienne authentique
Trois approches des dimensions interactionnelles du langage
La linguistique interactionnelle
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