
Necrotizing cellulitis of dental origin is a serious disease and requires prompt and effective management to avoid adverse outcomes. The purpose of this work is to describe the diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties encountered in this condition. This was a prospective study in the thoracic surgery department of Mali Hospital from January 2011to February 2015. We collected consecutively 19cases of complicating cervico-facial cellulitis of dental origin. The anatomical and clinical aspects, therapeutic modalities and difficulties are described. Dental pain and fever were the predominant symptoms followed by cervical edema. Chest CT-scan was the basis for the diagnosis in all cases. Cervicotomy with debridement was the most performed surgical procedure. Pleural drainage was performed in 6cases. Three patients (15.8%) died. Necrotizing cellulitis of dental origin is a serious disease with high morbidity and mortality. The key radiological examination is the thoracic CT-scan. Early medico-surgical management by emergency care, tailored antibiotic therapy, removal of necrotizing tissues and drainage of collections are required to deliver a good outcome.

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