
i io8 Reviews and for the humanistic learning of the Renaissance, and it can now be studied both as awork in its own right and as part of the cultural life of its time. UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL GLYN S. BURGESS Les Angoisses douloureuses qui procedent d'amour. By HELISENNE DECRENNE. Ed. by JEAN-PHILIPPEBEAULIEU. (La Cite des Dames) Saint-Etienne: Publications de l'Universitede Saint-Etienne. 2005. 38I pp. Eio. ISBN 2-86272-368-I. The firstwork ofMarguerite Briet, known asHelisenne de Crenne, was themoralizing prose narrative Les Angoisses douloureuses qui procedent d'amour, and it is,with good reason, recognized as one of themost significant texts of the early French Renaissance. Published first in I538 (Paris: Denis Janot) and frequently re-edited up to I560, it is awork on which critical attention has, quite rightly, focused over the last few decades as it is highly significant to an understanding of the narrative genre's development. The present edition appears in a recently established (and highly promising) collec tion directed by Eliane Viennot with the aim of facilitating access to important texts by women of the ancien regime. It complements very well the highly scholarly one by Christine de Buzon (Paris: Champion, I997), which reproduces the first edition of I538. This latest edition provides us with the I543 version (Paris: C. Langelier), which purports to have been revised by the author. The complementarity between the two modern editions, the one for the specialist and the one for the non-specialist, is usefully pointed up by Beaulieu in his introduction, where he directs us to the Buzon edition formore ample notes and discussion of the text. Gratifyingly, the modest price of the book and the fact that it is clearly aimed at non-specialists do not reflect a compromise on academic standards by Beaulieu, a noted scholar of de Crenne: he edited Epistres Familieres et invectives de ma dame Helisenne (Montreal: Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, 1995), and the first col lective volume of articles on her, Helisenne de Crenne: V'ecriture et ses doubles (Paris: Champion, 2004). The detailed notes, critical apparatus, and modern punctuation and orthography make it an ideal edition for non-specialists, particularly undergraduates. In this latter respect particularly, this edition will usefully serve to redress a frequent imbalance ensuing from the absence hitherto of such an edition: undergraduates of French Renaissance programmes are usually acquainted with Marguerite de Navarre but not with de Crenne. TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN SARAH ALYN STACEY Dialogues sacres/Dialogi sacri (premier livre). By SEBASTIEN CASTELLION. Ed. by DAVID AMHERDT and YVES GIRAUD. (Textes Litteraires Francais, 571) Geneva: Droz. 2004. 264 pp. SwF 42. ISBN 2-600-00930-2. Castellion ( 5 I5-63, also Castalio and Chateillon) is best known as an early advocate of religious toleration and freedom of conscience (De haereticis an sint persequendi, I554, and Conseil a la France desolee, I562). A Reformer, but opponent of Calvin, and Professor of Greek at Basel, he also aroused controversy with his translations of the Bible into Latin and French. The Dialogues sacres represent a less polemi cal aspect of his career and a familiar genre of humanist pedagogy. Although the second edition of I545, four books in Latin, became the standard text republished well into the eighteenth century, the editors have opted to reproduce the first book ...

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