
{ital C}P-violating rate asymmetry can be generated in a process only if its amplitude possesses an absorptive part. Such an absorptive part can be provided in {ital e}{sup +}{ital e{minus}} annihilation by the presence of a {ital Z} resonance of nonzero width. The lepton-flavor-violating {ital CP} asymmetry in the process {ital e}{sup +}{ital e{minus}}{r arrow}{ital l}{sub {ital i}{bar l}{ital j}}({ital {bar l}}{sub {ital i}l{ital j}}), where {ital l}{sub {ital i}} are charged leptons, is discussed in several models. In a specific two-{ital Z} model, with an extra U(1) gauge group corresponding to {ital L}{sub {ital e}}{minus}{ital L}{sub {tau}} ({ital L}{sub {ital e}},{ital L}{sub {tau}} being the lepton numbers associated with the electron and the {tau} lepton), large and observable {ital CP} asymmetry in {ital e}{sup +}{ital e{minus}}{r arrow}{tau}{sup +}{ital e{minus}}({tau}{sup {minus}}{ital e+}) is shown to be possible at energies reached at the CERN {ital e}{sup +}{ital e{minus}} collider and SLAC Linear Collider. Various constraints coming from present experimental data have been taken into account while making this prediction.

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