
We investigate contributions to the anomalous magnetic moments of charged leptons in the neutrino-extended Standard Model Effective Field Theory (νSMEFT). We discuss how νSMEFT operators can contribute to a lepton’s magnetic moment at one- and two-loop order. We show that only one operator can account for existing electronic and muonic discrepancies, assuming new physics appears above 1 TeV. In particular, we find that a right-handed charged current in combination with minimal sterile-active mixing can explain the discrepancy for sterile neutrino masses of mathcal{O} (100) GeV while avoiding direct and indirect constraints. We discuss how searches for sterile neutrino production at the (HL-)LHC, measurements of h→μ+μ− and searches for h→e+e−, neutrinoless double beta decay experiments, and improved unitarity tests of the CKM matrix can further probe the relevant parameter space.


  • Further experimental and theoretical investigations must carefully examine possible sources of uncertainty

  • We investigate contributions to the anomalous magnetic moments of charged leptons in the neutrino-extended Standard Model Effective Field Theory

  • In this work we investigated contributions to the anomalous magnetic moments of leptons in the framework of the neutrino-extended Standard Model Effective Field Theory

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The νSMEFT Lagrangian

L(ν5R) and L(ν6R) contain the complete set of dimension-five and -six operators involving at least one νR field and were derived in refs. Transition dipole moments appear at the same mass dimension as the terms in eq (2.3), but require at least two sterile states. The mass terms of the neutrinos after EW symmetry breaking but before mass-diagonalization take the form, Lm. Here N = (νL, νRc )T making Mν a (3 + n) × (3 + n) symmetric matrix. For n = 1, the mass terms involving νR, MD, and MR, are not sufficient to generate the masses of the light neutrinos. Throughout this work we generically denote the mixing between active, lepton-flavor states α ∈ {e, μ, τ } with (light and heavy) neutrino mass eigenstates j ∈ {1, .

Contributions to a from dimension-six νR operators
Dimension-six dipole and four-fermion interactions
A dimension-six right-handed current
Experimental probes of the leptonic right-handed current
Constraints on electromagnetic interactions of light neutrinos
Lepton-flavor violation
Constraints on Uμ4 and Ue4 from CKM unitarity
Neutrinoless double beta decay
GeV m4
Accelerator constraints and LHC prospects
The preferred parameter space
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