
The secretion of leptin is dually regulated. In fasting animals, plasma leptin concentrations reflect body fat stores, whereas the incremental leptin response to fasting or refeeding most likely reflects insulin-mediated energy flux and metabolism within adipocytes. Impaired secretion of leptin in either pathway could result in obesity. We therefore measured plasma leptin concentrations in fasted animals and plasma leptin concentrations after an intravenous glucose infusion in a rat model of obesity. Young Sprague-Dawley (S-D) and Fischer 344 (F344) rats had similar percent body fat and fasting glucose and fasting leptin concentrations. However, F344 animals had higher insulin concentrations and leptin responses to intravenous glucose than did the S-D animals. The animals were then fed a control or high-fat diet for 6 wk. High-fat fed animals gained more weight and body fat than did the control fed animals. Control and high-fat fed F344 animals gained approximately 40% (P < 0.0001) more weight and >100% (P < 0.01) more body fat than did the S-D animals. Fasting leptin concentrations and leptin concentrations after intravenous glucose infusions and feeding were more than double (P < 0.05) in F344 animals compared with S-D animals. Whether an animal is fed a control or high-fat diet had little effect on the leptin response to intravenous glucose. In conclusion, young, lean F344 animals, before the onset of obesity, demonstrated a greater acute leptin response to intravenous glucose than similarly lean S-D animals. After a 6-wk diet, F344 animals had a greater percent increase in body weight and insulin resistance and exhibited higher fasting leptin concentrations and a greater absolute leptin response to intravenous glucose compared with the S-D animals. The chronic diet (control or high fat) had little impact on the acute leptin response to intravenous glucose. F344 animals exhibit leptin resistance in young, lean animals and after aging and fat accumulation.

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