
Leo Beranek received the first 75th anniversary certificate issued by the Acoustical Society of America commemorating his long-time association with the Society at the joint ASA/ICA meeting in Montreal in 2013. Both the Society and Leo have derived mutual benefits from this long and fruitful association. Leo has held many important roles as leader in the ASA. He served as vice president (1949–1950), president (1954–1955), Chair of the Z24 Standards Committee (1950–1953), meeting organizer (he was an integral part of the Society’s 25th, 50th, and 75th Anniversary meetings), associate editor (1950–1959), author of three books sold via ASA, publisher of 75 peer-reviewed JASA papers, and presented countless papers at ASA meetings. Much of his work has been recognized by the Society which presented him with the R. Bruce Lindsay Award (1944), the Wallace Clement Sabine Award (1961), the Gold Medal (1975), and an Honorary Fellowship (1994). He has participated in the Acoustical Society Foundation and donated generously to it. He has been an inspiration for younger Society members (which include all of us on this occasion celebrating his 100th birthday).

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