
Ocular inflammation resulting from a lens pathology is rare in the absence of a cataract or lens trauma because of the lens’ immune privilege. The lens can be a source of ocular inflammation when the capsule is broken or when lens proteins leak out through an intact capsule. These uveitides are termed lens-induced uveitis (LIU) and are often associated with advanced cataracts. Cataracts are part of the normal aging process, and in today’s world, cataract surgery is a safe and affordable means of vision restoration in the developed world. In patients with neglected cataracts and in the developing world where cataract surgery rates are lower, LIU rates are higher together with the associated complications. In this literature review, we intend to equip the armamentarium of the practicing ophthalmologist with an updated knowledge on the demographic features, clinical characteristics, treatment options, and outcomes of LIU. This is to highlight the need for timely management of cataracts before the development of advanced cataracts and LIU.

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