
The sport is conceived as an authentic Copernican revolution, interpreted as theory of the communication and, therefore, it is a part of the structure itself of the contemporary society. The interest by the sports language is based on the paradigm of which language and sport constitute two forms of intelligence and freedom. Today, the challenge of the New Technologies, the globalization of the sport and his great linguistic creativity that they form the need to control and to protect the language. The objective of this research is to know which are the principal linguistic mistakes of the sports information in the digital press. These deviations of the rules commit an outrage against the idiomatic correctness of the Spanish Language. On the one hand, the research reveales that the sports press includes terms of violent language, metaphors, gallicisms, anglicisms, omission of the article and incorrect use of the prepositions. On the other hand, in the sports language states the terminology of different areas as the religion, the health, the epic or the music. The reasons of these lexical mistakes are diverse: unconcern for the good use of the language and limitation of space in the news. All this, it concerns the area of the Humanities and, consequently, to the society.

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