
We describe a new 1-stage technique for the surgical treatment of primary hypospadias with chordee dividing the urethral plate into 2 flaps. The urethral plate is divided into 2 flaps in an oblique fashion. Penis straightening is achieved with resection of the fibrous ventral tissue after mobilization of the plate. The ventral side of the neo-urethra is harvested from the preputium penis with an onlay island flap or penile skin with the Mathieu "flip-flap" procedure. The new 1-stage procedure has been used in 6 patients. After 10-month followup a fistula developed in only 1 patient who required a new surgical procedure for correction. No meatal stenosis or urethral stricture was noticed. No dorsal plication sutures were required. All 6 patients who underwent a successful procedure had excellent cosmetic results. This technique is a valid surgical option in patients with hypospadias with severe chordee when we believe that the short plate tethers the penis, avoiding adequate straightening.

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