
Abstract The simplification of various consonant groups containing a nasal or liquid is attended by lengthening of the preceding vowel; for these see the treatment of consonant groups (203, 227-8). 2. Long vowels were shortened in prehistoric G before a nasal or liquid plus consonant (a corollary of Osthoff’s Law), so regularly before VT, as in pple. -yvovTE<; ‘knowing’ nom.pl. from “-yvw-VTE<;, or Dor. e-yvov ‘they understand’ 3Pl.aor. from “e-gno-nt.1 But long vowels arising later by contraction or analogy were not affected, such as nµwvTE<; contract pple., </>EpWVT<XL 3Pl.subj.mid. A long vowel becomes short before another vowel in various dialects. This does not apply to all vowels, and most commonly affects 71 before o or win Att.-Ion. So {3acnN:wv ‘of kings’ gen. pl. from {3cxuiX. wv (as still in Hom.), Att. ewe; ‘dawn’ from an earlier form something like Hom. we;. When the second vowel is short it may be lengthened, resulting in what is known as quantitative metathesis. This is peculiar to Att.-Ion., and most uniformly manifested in Att.: vEw<; gen. of vcxvc; ‘ship’ (cf. Hom. vr,oc;); PEW<; ‘temple’ (cf. Hom. vr,oc;, Dor. vaoc;); A.Ewe; ‘people’ < X.r,oc; (Hom. has the non-Ion. X.aoc;); {3cxuiX.Ew<; from {3cxuiX.ijoc; gen.sg. (Hom.).

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