
Length-weight relationships (LWRs) for six fish species caught from tidepools in an intertidal rocky shore in the Gulf of Cadiz are presented. This study presents the first data on LWR for Clinitrachus argentatus (WT = 0.0069 * TL3.077), Coryphoblennius galerita (WT = 0.0051 * TL3.409), and Parablennius incognitus (WT = 0.0090 * TL3.113) outside the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent eastern waters. The data of LWRs for juveniles of Symphodus roissali (WT = 0.0117 * TL3.091), Serranus scriba (WT = 0.0165 * TL2.881), and Diplodus cervinus (WT = 0.0152 * TL3.060) are also presented for first-time. Due to fish body shape may vary during growth in relation to size, studies covering a specific size range relating to life stage can be useful to estimate the LWRs for different development phases. The findings of this study fill the gap in LWRs data for immature fish in S. roissali, S. scriba and D. cervinus. Moreover, because intertidal zones and their adjacent subtidal areas represent nursery grounds for species that eventually recruit to coastal fisheries, the LWRs estimates for other species can also help to understand the population dynamics and conservation for native fish species.

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