
The purpose of this study was to examine the length-weight relationships (LWR) of fish and invertebrate species exploited by the small-scale coastal fleet in the northern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea). Length and weight measurements were collected during experimental trials carried out seasonally from April 2016 to February 2017. A total of 4358 individuals from 31 species (28 fishes, 2 crustaceans and 1 cephalopod) representing 21 families were collected. With the exception of brown comber (Serranus hepatus) and rough ray (Raja radula), all LWR slopes fall within the 2.5 to 3.5 range. The median b value for fishes was 3.11 and 50% of the b values ranged between 3.04 and 3.24. Somatic growth was isometric for 14 species, hyperallometric for 12 species, while only 5 species grew hypoallometrically. This is the first reference on LWR for sand sole (Pegusa lascaris) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, while for snake blenny (Ophidion barbatum), common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) it is the first LWR in Greek waters.

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