
Caroun croaker (Johnius carouna) is one of demersal fishes which are commonly caught in the south of Java waters. This fish captured by trammel net, gillnet, danish seine and mini trawl. This study aims to determine length and weight relationship, growth parameter, length frequency distribution and condition factors of croaker fish caught in the south of Java waters. This study was conducted from January-December 2015 at the Cilacap Ocean Fisheries Port, Central Java. Data collected was total length (TL in mm) and weight (W in g) of caroun croacker fish. A total of 2141 of Caroun croaker was caught by mini trawl during the sampling periods. The result showed that the size of croaker fish caught by mini trawl ranged between 85-225 mm with an average was 143.7 mm. Length and weight relationship expressed by equation of W = 0.0062 TL3.2889 ( R2 = 0.9443). The growth pattern of croaker fish was allometric positive. The Von Bertalanffy growth equation of caroun croacker fish in south of Java waters was Lt =155 (1 - e -0.9(t+0.2127)) with the asymptotic length (L∞) =155 mm, growth coefficient (K) = 0.9 per year and the theoretical age croaker fish that was equal to (t0) = - 0,2127.

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