
Recently, an ultrasound-based elastography technique has been used to measure stiffness (shear modulus) of an active human muscle along the axis of contraction. Using this technique, we explored 1) whether muscle shear modulus, like muscle force, is length dependent; and 2) whether the length dependence of muscle shear modulus is consistent between electrically elicited and voluntary contractions. From nine healthy participants, ankle joint torque and shear modulus of the tibialis anterior muscle were measured at five different ankle joint angles during tetanic contractions and during maximal voluntary contractions. Fascicle length, pennation angle, and tendon moment arm length of the tetanized tibialis anterior calculated from ultrasound images were used to reveal the length-dependent changes in muscle force and shear modulus. Over the range of joint angles examined, both force and shear modulus of the tetanized muscle increased with increasing fascicle length. Regression analysis of normalized data revealed a significant linear relationship between force and shear modulus (R(2) = 0.52, n = 45, P < 0.001). Although the length dependence of shear modulus was consistent, irrespective of contraction mode, the slope of length-shear modulus relationship was steeper during maximal voluntary contractions than during tetanic contractions. These results provide novel evidence that length-force relationship, one of the most fundamental characteristics of muscle, can be inferred from in vivo imaging of shear modulus in the tibialis anterior muscle. Furthermore, the estimation of length-force relationship may be applicable to voluntary contractions in which neural and mechanical interactions of multiple muscles are involved.

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