
Length-based vehicle classification is an important topic in traffic engineering, because estimation of traffic speed from single loop detectors usually requires the knowledge of vehicle length. In this paper, we present an algorithm that can classify vehicles passing by a loop detector into two categories: long vehicles and regular cars. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of event-based loop detector data that contains every vehicle detector actuation and de-actuation “event”, therefore time gaps between consecutive vehicles and detector occupation time for each vehicle can be easily derived. The proposed algorithm is based on an intuitive observation that, for a vehicle platoon, longer vehicles in the platoon will have relatively longer detector occupation time. Therefore, we can identify longer vehicles by examining the changes of occupation time in a vehicle platoon. The method was tested using the event-based data collected from Trunk Highway 55 in Minnesota, which is a high speed arterial corridor controlled by semi-actuated coordinated traffic signals. The result shows that the proposed method can correctly classify most of the vehicles passing by a single loop detector.

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