
Document Code: A Abstract. leisure sport industry is the tertiary industry, whose economic features are indivisibility between production and consumption and relatively large elasticity of substitution of leisure sport products' factors of production; Leisure sport products have quality of final product and economy is the foundation of development of leisure sport industry. The development of the economy promotes progress of leisure body building entertainment industry. Leisure sport improves industrial structure, expands employment space, impels progress of economy, meets people's sports demands, and facilitates development of leisure sport industry. For developing leisure sport industry, it is required to establish the corresponding administrative organization, perfect the rules and regulations, develop the market of leisure sport industry and attach great importance to personnel training. With the constant development of our market economy and the increase of leisure time, physical culture has started to enter into people's daily life in our country. With the increasingly enhancement of people's living standard, people's consumption concept and life style has also changed. The concepts of spending for health and paying for happiness have reached common ground. And leisure sport has started to enter into people's lives. Leisure sport has attracted social public due to its particular charm. Not only does it have competitive sports' happiness of overcoming difficulties and defeating opponents, but also it has the effects of strengthening one's physique and promoting health; not only does it have expectation to the unpredictability of competitive sports' results, but also it has casual leisure from disregarding success or failure in health sports; not only does it possess sense of achievement in defeating nature and overwhelming personal success, but also it owns the life confidence of remolding oneself and healthy personality. Leisure sport activity can rich people's spare culture lives, ameliorate people's life style, shorten distance between people and strengthen one's physique, and it is representation of sports' nature function. Therefore, leisure sport can be developed rapidly. And leisure sport industry that relates to leisure sport has also got unprecedented prosperity. The large leisure sport consumption market has produced unlimited business opportunity and brought huge investment space to investors.

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