
To investigate the role of leisure (as social engagement) in moderating the association between subjective wellbeing and depressive symptoms among older Indians. The sample included data from 39,538 older adults (aged 55-80) from the Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI, Wave-1), 2017-2018. Individual level questionnaire was used to examine the relationship among social engagement, subjective wellbeing, and depressive symptoms. Moderating effects of leisure activities were estimated through interaction analysis and linear multivariable modeling. Low participation in social engagement activities (or leisure) was associated with greater likelihood of depressive symptoms. Leisure activities positively and significantly moderated the subjective wellbeing among older adults with depressive symptoms. Results suggest a significant wealth gradient where affluent older Indians having a clear advantage in heightened levels of social engagement and subsequently lower likelihood of depressive symptoms. Additionally, being in an urban area, co-residence in a "joint" household and belonging to the dominant social groups in terms of caste and religious categories are associated with gains in wellbeing. The direct and indirect effects of social engagement suggest that depressive symptoms can be mitigated while enhancing overall wellbeing of older adults. This holds promise for social policy in redirecting efforts to develop age-friendly initiatives and social infrastructure that enhance the link between engagement and wellbeing.

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