
What is proposed that human beings shall do with leisure which social reorganization and perfected machinery are to give them? Prophets of future give fundamentally same answer to this question .... Henri Poincarn, for example, imagined that human beings of future would fill their long leisures by contemplating laws of nature. Mr. Bernard Shaw is of much same opinion .... Mr. H. G. Wells portrays ... a race of athletic chemists and mathematical physicists who go about naked, and unlike Mr. Shaw's austere Ancients make free love in a rational manner between experiments. They also take interest in arts and are not above playing games . . . all agree that lives of our leisured posterity will be high. They will eagerly make themselves acquainted with the best that has been thought or said about everything; they will listen to concerts of classiest music; they will practice arts and handicrafts; they will study sciences, philosophy, mathematics and meditate on lovely mystery of world .... In a word, these leisured masses of a future... will do all things which our leisured classes of present time so conspicuously fail to do.1

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