
The article describes the theoretical aspects of the organization of leisure time and leisure activities. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, it has been proven that meaningful leisure is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. The impact of the organization of leisure time on the moral and psychological climate in society, its cultural level, and the physical and moral health of the population is analyzed. It was concluded that meaningful leisure and socially oriented leisure activities are not only components, but also factors of a healthy lifestyle.
 It was noted that the organization of recreational activities has an extraordinary influence on the formation of personality, and the comprehensive and harmonious development of a person is not only a high social ideal, but also a necessary condition for solving the tasks of today's society.
 An attempt was made to implement objective and functional approaches in considering leisure and leisure activities. The implementation of the obgective approach made it possible to determine the content component of leisure time, to highlight the main concepts of leisure time and its principles. The functional approach contributed to focusing attention on the functions of leisure time in the life of a person and society (recreational, entertainment, educational) and factors influencing a person's choice of various forms of leisure activity. Emphasis is placed on the expansion of the scale and qualitative improvement of cultural and educational activities, and the necessity of giving priority to those forms of leisure that stimulate human creative activity, are saturated with intellectual search game and competition, and are capable of forming positive personality qualities.
 Further research of the problem of organizing leisure activities in the process of forming a healthy lifestyle will be aimed at finding new, more effective combinations of content, forms, methods and means, functions and principles of leisure that meet the demands of modern society, interests and needs of different age groups.

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