
<i>Thiersch—Spondylitis—Tubercle Bacilli and Suppuration—Osteo Myelitus—Von Lesser—Stelzer—Fragments of Wood in the Bowels—Foreign Body in the Heart—Tubercular Osteo-Myelitis—Vaginal Hysterectomy for Carcinoma—Leopold.</i> <h3>Dear Dr. Fenger:</h3> From Halle I went to Leipsig for the purpose of spending a few days in the surgical wards of Professor Thiersch. I came in time to attend the opening lecutre of the Spring term and soon became convinced that this famous surgeon had passed the zenith of fame and usefulness, and is rapidly approaching senile marasmus physically and mentally. Thiersch has immortalized himself by his many ingenious plastic operations and his classical work on Epithelial Carcinoma, as well as by many other valuable contributions to surgical literature. It is a great pity that such men, for the sake of science, grow old too soon, but such is life, short in its duration, and the greatest genius must submit to the invitable consequences incident to old age. During my former,

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