
Legumes oversown onto hill country in Marlborough were compared in six trials. At low altitude sites with northerly aspects, legume establishment was negligible unless resident vegetation was treated with herbicide prior to oversowing. On a southerly aspect, legumes established without herbicide although yields were higher if it was applied. 'Grasslands Pawera' red clover outyielded other legumes at 350m. producing 4.6 and 10.1 t DM/ha on a sunny and shady face respectively. Pawera also produced more than lucerne, 'Grasslands Maku' lotus, 'Grasslands Huia' white clover, alsike clover and subterranean clover at altitudes of 780 and lOOOm, but yields were highest from lucerne at 600m and lotus at 1300m. Factors which may have influenced legume establishment and yields are discussed. Keywords: clovers, lotus, lucerne, herbicide, hill country, aspect, altitude.

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