
The article is devoted to a topical issue, namely the formation of primary school students’ key competencies at Ukrainian language and reading lessons by means of methods of competence training «Six bricks», which involves the use of LEGO sets. The author emphasizes the leading role of the subject «Ukrainian language and reading» because of its importance in developing the theoretical and practical component of all educational branches of the first stage of modern general secondary education institution. The analysis of researches of scientists of the past and the present is carried out, their positions concerning the organization of educational process in primary school are noted, the unity of their views on necessity of didactic games dominance at lessons is emphasized. The study of normative documents of Ukraine in the field of education, scientific achievements of scientists, as well as progressive approaches to the organization of the educational process, in particular in primary school, allowed the author to state that nowadays a method of competence training «Six bricks» is one of the innovations that can ensure the effectiveness of learning. The expediency of using the tasks created on the basis of mentioned above methodology is due to their integrative, open nature, easy adaptation to the child's educational needs and educational material, as well as constant involvement of younger students in communicative interaction. The article is a study of theoretical and at the same time concrete-practical nature. The publication contains the tasks to the subject «Ukrainian language and reading» for students 1-4 grades developed by the author in, which involves the use of the mentioned above methodology, namely the use of LEGO sets, and provides the formation of relevant subject and key competencies through activities. The article will be useful both for teachers of higher education institutions who teach a series of methodological disciplines, and primary school teachers of general secondary education institutions who actively introduce innovations in the educational process of modern Ukrainian school. Key words: primary school, game technologies, methods of competence training «Six bricks», LEGO sets, applicant for primary education, Ukrainian language and reading, competence.

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